Location #4

This page shows images of the original route through San Ardo. From the old bridge, it went down Jolon Street, then turned north on Main Street for two blocks, then west on Cattlemen Rd. The vitage photos shown here were all captured from images in books and collections at the San Ardo library.

View facing west from the east side of the Salinas river toward the old bridge. This is the west end of Jolon St.

Same location as the above photo, looking east down Jolon St.

Jolon St. in the 1890's. View looking east. Courtesy of Roy Tucker family.

The old San Ardo Hotel in the 1890's. Courtesy of William Brinan collection.

San Ardo store. ( See caption )

Martin's motor park and restaurant. Courtesy of Bill Winchell collection.

This is where the phony CHP billboard was placed to slow down traffic. Near Main St, and Cattlemen Rd.

The Evergreen Camp gas station and restaurant. At the northeast end of town. Courtesy of Edwin Lombardi.


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